Useful G/K43 addresses |
Has many parts for the G41 - G43. Use: Pièces d'armes - Allemagne |
click |
Apfeltor Waffenfabrik |
Sells gascylinders + "a shooters kit" = it's possible to regulate the gas pressure. |
click |
Bisgaard & Nielsen |
Bisgaard og Nielsen, Aagade Syd 82, DK-8620 Kjellerup,
Denmark. Phone: +45 8688 4624, Fax: +45 8688 4231 |
His website (Vaabenreservedele m.m. = Weapon spare parts) His email-address: |
Böddecker, Griewenkamp 8, D-31234 Edemissen,
Germany. Phone: 5176 8538, Fax: 5176 1580 |
His website (not much to see there) His email-address: |
Produces as semi-automatic or as repeater rifles: MP38, Stengun, K43,
MKb42(H), MP43/1, MP44 and FG42. Sold via HZA Kulmbach - see below. (I am in doubt if they still are active; the website doesn't show much, and Kulmbach is closed down) Their website Another Dittrich website |
Fox Gun Stocks |
Has G41 and G43 stocks + some hardware and Durofol handguards. |
Website |
Frontline-Militaria |
Has some G43 reproduction parts - and also a few parts for G41W. |
Website in $ |
Website in € |
German Sport Guns |
Makes StG44 in cal. .22 |
GSG website |
Gun Parts |
Has some of the mechanical parts. Try the link below: |
Gun Parts G41 / G43 section |
Historical Parts and Militaria Co. |
Darrin Weaver has G/K43 parts and accessories. |
HPaMC website |
HZA Kulmbach |
Sells Dittrich's weapons and parts - see above - but now under liquidation. |
On-line shop for militaria.
Their website |
optical Systems
Repairs and restores
riflescopes, binoculars etc.
Sells quality repro K98 and G41 mounts.
He has also scopes for sale. (presumed no longer to be active)
Another main supplier of parts |
SHOEI Some G43 parts, FG42 copy etc. Shoei Germany Tom Fried |
Has many different parts - mostly reproductions. |
Transarms |
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